“The Republic recognizes the right of all the citizens to work and promotes those conditions that make this right effective.

“Every citizen has the duty, according to their possibilities and individual choice, to do an activity or a function that contributes to the material and spiritual process of the society.”

Art. 4 of the Italian Republic Constitution

On the 30th August, Einaudi publishes the “Processo all’art. 4” together with the documentation of the facts and the backwards strike’s process, but also of the tortures made by the police into the prisons.

“Processo all’art.4”  is the provocative title of the text in which Dolci tells the story and the testimony of a process formally addressed to him and to many workers from the area of Partinico and its surrounding accused of public property occupation and public officer resistance.

Thanks to this book, comes to us the strenght of a non-violent revolutionary man who claimed,  not only with words but above all with facts, the human right to work and mainly the right of citizens to live in a democratic country.

“Danilo was released from prison because his motives were recognised as having particular moral value “.

Vittorini, at the process in defense of his friend, pronounced important and dense words “[…]showing that the country roads (trazzere) along which the farmers of Partinico go to the fields required urgent repair works, and there was in Partinico a big public utility work in which engaging the unemployed. Then, Danilo told me the method with he intended to carry the demonstration out to guarantee the pacific progress and to avoid the occurrence of the smallest source of friction with police.  He told me that, who wanted to enter, he  should have to convince him that there was no economic remuneration to be obtained. He told me that there would’t have brought even a penknife which divide the bread with. He told me that during the works it would have played music with mouth harmonics to make the atmosphere joyous and to keep it easily peaceful.”

The “backwards strike” became the symbol of this historic moment started with the 2nd February 1956 initiative. Came together almost a thousands people, farmers, fishermen, workers, breeders, intellectuals and unemployed lead by Danilo towards old Trazzera, a  little country road, abandoned to the negligence of the local administrations. Over there, everyone without distinction started to work to rearrange the area.

A popular uprising against the hierarchical authoritarianism of the local power.

The work was shouting at the right to work and acted to gain it.