evento-finaleBorgo di Dio project, cofunded by Fondazione Con il Sud, has come to an end and organises an event open to the local community. Saturday 14th March, in the inner spaces and in the big garden of Centro Borgo di Dio (Trappeto – PA), some local artists will be together for celebrating the renaissance of this place. A renaissance that could be considered the driving force of local development, both on a cultural and economic side. Concerts, exhibitions and talks will celebrate the end of a process lasted two years, and will be also a means through which imagining future perspectives.

In the morning will take place several activities addressed to the students of the Istituto Comprensivo R.F.Evola located in Trappeto: children will learn how to build a puppet and will enjoy a theatrical play called “Pulcinella nella Villa dei Mostri” organised by Associazione Culturale Fiabe, Burattini e Farfalle.

In the afternoon, after a brief presentation of the project and its activities, Amico Dolci – President of Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” – will launch the special issue of the bulletin “Appunti per gli Amici”: it wants basically to inform about the activities of the Borgo, but now it will also talk about history, current events and future perspectives of Borgo di Dio. This moment will be followed by a debate during which architect Ignazia Pinzello will talk about the renaissance of Borgo di Dio, focusing especially on its relationship with the urban area around it.

Still in in the afternoon The Blue Note Sax Quartet, made up of young students of the Conservatorio “Vincenzo Bellini” (Palermo), will give a concert that will be followed by a session  of popular dances called “Danzando l’Europa” organised by the folk group LassatiLabballari. The event will be concluded by the docu-fiction “Dio delle Zecche. Storia di Danilo Dolci in Sicilia”, directed by Leandro Picarella and Giovanni Rosa.

Since morning, people can visit some exhibitions such as the art installation “Non flessi ma riflessi” (developed by Santi D’Anna, with the art works of Nello Costa and Pietro Polizzi), the photo exhibition “Luoghi e memorie” (developed by Maria Antonietta Emma), the Sicilian Puppets’ exhibition organised by Vincenzo Garifo’s Puppet Theatre, the painting exhibitions “L’anima colorata della Sicilia” (developed by Maria Ferrara) and  another exhibition developed by Chiara Polizzi.

The “Borgo di Dio” project, started in April 2012, has been coordinated by Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, in partnership with CESIE, Associazione Libera Palermo and the Municipality of Trappeto. The first activity was the makeover and the reopening of part of the Centro Borgo di Dio, that was the historic landmark of Danilo Dolci’s activity on the  territory. The project gave its contribution to the social and cultural development of the area by organising artistic, musical and theatrical events, maieutical workshops  about different topics together with local and international groups, and three training paths aimed to give value to human, cultural and touristic resources of the area. Furthermore, Borgo di Dio has hosted not only workshops about various European projects but also groups from different countries for guided visits. Another important activity led by Borgo di Dio has been the launch of working-camp experiences for the young unemployed living in Trappeto and in the bordering area as well as the opening of an info point. All of these activities have contributed to the renaissance of Borgo di Dio that, day by day, has re-earned a leading role as a cultural centre for the inhabitants of Trappeto.

The event poster


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