In the frame of “Mesi delle arti di Borgo di Dio”, we are organising new events. In September, Nello Costa, a really versatile artist, will launch his latest work titled “Attraversando l’arte”. This is an art installation made up of a glass frame that represents an entrance door for a sensory experience that holds the essence of this place. The musical installation “Paesaggio sonoro” is part of this art work: it has been developed by the class of Electronic Music of the Conservatory “V. Bellini” of Palermo.

A festival of art and culture titled “Dolci Note” will be held on 6th and 7th September in the old town centre of Trappeto. According to the aims of the project, the partnership of “Borgo di Dio” wants to foster the work of a local artist in the frame of a kermesse that will support many other artists, both emerging and not, in some ways linked to the territory. Our commitment wants also to correspond to the values of sustainable tourism and active citizenship promoted by the festival “Dolci Note”.

“Dolci Note” is a cultural initiative mainly aimed to give value to Trappeto and to the neighbouring area. At the same time, this event wants to promote sustainable tourism and make Trappeto more attractive for tourists, by involving also youth as real protagonists of their own city. “Dolci Note” wants to recover the past and use it for affirming a new model of development, trying to get back to those positive traces that have concretely changed stories and destinies and made our town a better place, “on a human scale”. For these reasons this kermesse wants to come back to the lesson of a great educator, sociologist, pacifist, storyteller and poet like Danilo Dolci.

Within “Mesi delle arti di Borgo di Dio”, we are preparing other events. For more information, visit our website.

Download the programme of the event

Administrative office

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci

Via Roma, 94 – 90133 Palermo
PHONE  +39 091 6177252
FAX +39 091 6230849
REFERENCE: Anna Raspanti